Africa Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Week 67: Waiting in Lilongwe

This week has been quite uneventful, I have spent time hanging around the compound, socialising with my neighbours. I have had a few people come to view the bike, but have nothing of substance to report there. So instead of just having a very short post this week, I will tell you about some of the things that have been happening in the compound where I live.

The compound is quite close to the centre of Lilongwe, it takes about 20 minutes to walk into town, but I only go into town to get cash from the bank or visit the supermarket. We regularly have no water, I am told this is common at this time of year (Summer/Dry Season), so I either have a shower when there is some water pressure, or get a bucket of water from the lodge and bucket wash. My house is in a small section of the compound which it shares with the lodge, there are 10 houses and 8 of them are full. There is Cuthbert (Qb), he is the son of the owner of the compound, Ian and Jane, a Belgian guy and his Malawian girlfriend, Ali and Hussein, two Pakistani guys who are working here in Malawi and three women living in three of the other houses.

On one of my first nights living in my new house, I was sat in the yard talking with Ian, Jane, Qb, Ali and Hussein, when one of the women came and sat very close to me, started rubbing her breasts and doing something which I can only describe as an attempted sexy dance. This woman is quite large, when I say this I don’t mean fat, I mean large, she is tall and is not slim. Everyone found it quite entertaining, but when I rejected her advances this woman threw a glass on the floor and went inside her house.

Most nights we gather in the yard around sunset for a couple of hours, then go into Ian and Jane’s place to listen to music or watch a film on my laptop. It is really nice, but I am starting to get tired of waiting for my bike to sell. I really want to get out of Lilongwe soon.

One thought on “Week 67: Waiting in Lilongwe”

  1. Mike T says:

    haha, good update. Well done on managing to resist the sexy dance!!

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