Africa 2011-13 Archive

Africa Route Problems

As you probably know, I will be arriving in Africa in a month or two. With this in mind I…

Week 22: Into Africa

It has been an unplanned, but enjoyable, week. I spent a few days in Gibraltar with some awesome CouchSurfing hosts,…

Weeks 27 & 28: Mali

I didn’t manage to post last weekend due to the lack of a reliable internet connection while travelling. Week 27…

Week 29: More Mali

Charlie and I arrived back in Bamako last weekend in time for a music festival which was taking place close…

Week 30: Bamako to Burkina

This week has been truly awesome, after spending some time at a waterfall last week, a group of us decided…

Week 31: Ouagadougou

We haven’t done too much this week, we spent a couple of days in Bobo before we headed to the…

Week 32: Benin

It has been an action packed week, we set off from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, travelled the full length of…

Week 36: The Coast of Ghana

This week the time has flown more quickly than usual, After spending a night in Akosombo we (Me, Charlie and…

Week 41: Namibia and the crash

Last weekend we left Windhoek, heading south to Rehoboth before heading south west through the mountains towards the Namib desert…

Week 43: Namibia to Zambia

Last weekend we crossed over the border from Botswana back into Namibia and stayed in the Ngepi lodge, we met…

Week 54: Mwaka Kogwa Festival

This week was really nice, it started out with the Aston exchange trip arriving in Makunduchi. My daily routine remained…

Week 65: Lilongwe

Well, I spent last weekend in Nkhata bay, relaxing by the lake, then started my week by driving the rest…

Week 66: Moving in

This week I decided to move into a self contained flat (two rooms, bathroom and bedroom). This will save me…

Week 67: Waiting in Lilongwe

This week has been quite uneventful, I have spent time hanging around the compound, socialising with my neighbours. I have…

Week 73: Malaria

Yes, after almost a year in Africa without taking anti-malarial medication I have actually got Malaria. The weeks started with…

Week 77: Tofo, Mozambique

This week has been slow and relaxed, I stayed at a lodge called Turtle Cove which is just outside of…

Week 83: Cape Town

I spent this week in Cape Town, which is one of my favorite cities so far. I arrived on a…

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