Africa Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Week 65: Lilongwe

Well, I spent last weekend in Nkhata bay, relaxing by the lake, then started my week by driving the rest of the way down to Lilongwe. I checked into the cheapest place to stay (Welcome Lodge) and have been staying there all week. There is no internet access so I have been out of touch all week, but the place is clean and cheap so I don’t mind too much. My main objective is to sell my motorbike, I have given out my contact details to quite a few people and at the moment I am fairly confident that I should be able to get a good price, although my experiences in Tanzania are putting some doubts in my mind.

I think I have been missing out this week, I stayed in the lodge to try to keep my costs down to a minimum, but over the last few days I have been out with some Rasta girls I met, just sitting in a lodge that they are staying at while they are in Lilongwe. Its free and much more entertaining than sitting in my own lodge watching TV.

Finally, I am allowed to announce that I have been made a ‘Jupiter’s Traveller’. Some of you may have already heard of the book ‘Jupiter’s Travels’ by Ted Simon, well he started a foundation which helps other travellers, and the travellers who are part of it are given the title ‘Jupiter’s Traveller’. There is more information on their website for anyone who is interested. Here is a link to their blog post which announced my joining.

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