Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Weeks 109 & 110: Website Problems and Arranging a Ride

I thought that I would be on the road, heading north by now. Unfortunately the first ride I managed to find was cancelled because the vehicle broke down, so I have been waiting around in Perth, trying to find another group of people who are headed north. I think I may have found a ride that will leave in a few days, but I need to go and meet the guy who has the van before anything is set in stone. Fingers crossed I will have left Perth by this time next week.


Earlier this week the website went down, for about 3 days, because of a file being corrupted. The site is back up now, but without my theme applied, but the content is all still there for people to see. I’ll hopefully have my theme back on there as soon as possible. I have also closed down my old Youtube channel and opened another one, so anyone who had subscribed to the old one, can re-subscribe from the following link. ( Youtube Channel )

As much as I love being here in this house with my awesome housemates, I am really ready to get moving again, so I can start using my new camera and GoPro. Hopefully there isn’t much longer to wait.

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